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The Mind is our focusing lens. It creates what we focus on. You can tell what your mind is focusing on by what is manifesting in the world around you. 


A mind that is in full service of your inner desires has the power to magnify, amplify, activate and transform your reality. 


The mind has a few basic functions that shape EVERYTHING about our lives…







The mind is the brain in action. That action involves thoughts, beliefs and perceptions. Our thoughts are the ideas that pass through our mind. What we set our attention on and absorb to be true become our beliefs. Our thoughts are important because they are what will determine our personality. Our personality is how we think, act and feel. It is important to only think, feel and act in a way that will create what we want. If we are focused on emotions of lower density such as lack, self doubt, fear, or unworthiness we will attract it and at the same time, impress our subconscious mind, causing us to bring forth more of what we do not desire. It is important to practice thinking thoughts that are rooted in higher density emotions such as self love, worthiness, joy and compassion because this will bring more of what we are truly wanting. 


Beliefs Systems/Patterns 

Our belief systems are patterns in our brain that are repeated so often that it becomes a part of our subconscious thoughts, determining our reality and shaping our physical experience. 


We are the Imagination of ourselves

What we think about and focus on becomes our lived experience 

Our Mind is an infinite resource of opportunities

Our thoughts co~create our reality

Our beliefs shape our experience


Perception refers to not just what we look at or pay attention to in our lives, but HOW we are viewing our world. Our brains not only take in information but create assumptions based upon our past experiences and our beliefs around what we are looking at. Depending on our perception and what we choose to absorb and decide as truth in our lives, we create deep neurological pathways in our brain. This will then become an automated response. This response will replay over and over again. If we are not experiencing what we truly want to experience in our lives then we must unlearn and relearn new beliefs to create a new way of seeing our world. 

The process of change requires unlearning subconscious thinking patterns and relearning new ways of being.


Reinventing a “New Self” means practicing new thoughts, forming new beliefs and therefore creating a new perception of your reality. 


Repetition, meditation and affirmations are some of the best tools to help facilitate this change! 

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